the edge of australia

Have you ever seen The Edge of Australia : Bunda Cliffs

Exploring Australia’s Edge: the Magnificent Bunda Cliffs: A Natural Wonder of Southern Australia

Photo by edwinkruys on Pixabay

Discover the Spectacular Bunda Cliffs, an awe-inspiring coastal scarp on the southern coast of Australia



The edge of Australia is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, and the Bunda Cliffs are no exception. Located on the southern coast of the country, these majestic cliffs offer a mesmerizing view of the Great Australian Bight. Stretching from the western coast of South Australia to the southeastern corner of Western Australia, the Bunda Cliffs, also known as the Nullarbor Cliffs, are a true natural wonder. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the geography, geology, history, and ways to experience the magnificence of the Bunda Cliffs.

Geography and Formation

The edge of Australia : Bunda Cliffs extend for an impressive 210 kilometers (130 miles) along the shore of the Great Australian Bight, near its northern extremity. The cliffs begin at Head of the Bight in the east and continue westward to Eucla, Western Australia. The region surrounding the cliffs is sparsely settled, with the arid Nullarbor Plain to the north. Standing tall at heights ranging from 60 to 120 meters (200 to 390 feet), the Bunda Cliffs offer a mesmerizing spectacle of nature’s grandeur.

Geological Marvels

The geological composition of the Bunda Cliffs adds to their allure. Made primarily of Cenozoic age fossiliferous limestone, the cliffs are part of the Eucla Basin geologic formation. This formation is an 820-kilometer-long escarpment known as the Great Southern Scarp, which stretches across the Eucla Basin. The Bunda Cliffs are constantly battered by high-energy waves from the Southern Ocean, resulting in their gradual northward recession.

Naming and Cultural Significance

The name “Bunda” is derived from an Aboriginal word, chosen to honor the local indigenous heritage. It was officially gazetted by the Government of South Australia in 2014 and refers to the extensive cliff line extending from the Western Australian border to the Head of the Bight. The Mirning people, the traditional owners of the land, have a Dreamtime legend associated with the caves within the Bunda Cliffs. According to their folklore, the Rainbow Serpent used these caves as a passage when traveling from Alice Springs to the coast to feed on migrating whales.

Protected Areas and Lookout Points

Most of the Bunda Cliffs are located within protected areas. The Nullarbor Wilderness Protection Area extends eastward from the South Australia-Western Australia border, while the Yalata Indigenous Protected Area covers the eastern portion of the cliffs. In Western Australia, the cliffs are protected by the Eucla National Park. The Far West Coast Marine Park encompasses the South Australian waters along the cliffs.

Visitors can experience the awe-inspiring beauty of the Bunda Cliffs from several lookout points along the Eyre Highway. East of Eucla and west of Nullarbor Roadhouse, there are five main lookouts with signed access roads. These strategic vantage points allow visitors to marvel at the sheer magnitude and ruggedness of the cliffs, providing unforgettable panoramic views.

Experiencing the Bunda Cliffs

Scenic Flights: A Bird’s Eye View

For a truly unforgettable experience, consider taking a scenic flight over the Bunda Cliffs. Local companies, such as Chinta Air, offer aerial tours that showcase the cliffs’ magnificence from a unique perspective. Flying over the cliffs allows you to fully appreciate their vastness and the intricate patterns etched by nature over millions of years.

Driving Along the Eyre Highway

Another way to experience the Bunda Cliffs is by embarking on a road trip along the iconic Eyre Highway. This highway, named after the intrepid explorer Edward John Eyre, follows the coastline and provides glimpses of the stunning cliffs. As you traverse this remote stretch of road, you’ll be immersed in the raw beauty of the Australian outback, with the Bunda Cliffs serving as a dramatic backdrop.

Whale Watching at the Bunda Cliffs

The Bunda Cliffs offer a unique opportunity to witness the majestic Southern Right Whales. From May to October each year, these magnificent creatures migrate from the sub-Antarctic region to the southern Australian coast to give birth and nurture their calves. The Head of the Bight, located at the eastern end of the Bunda Cliffs, is a prime spot for whale watching. Visitors can spend hours marveling at these gentle giants as they frolic in the ocean below the cliffs.


The Bunda Cliffs stand as a testament to the awe-inspiring power of nature. From their geological marvels to their cultural significance, these cliffs are a must-visit destination for any nature enthusiast. Whether you choose to take a scenic flight or drive along the Eyre Highway, the Bunda Cliffs will leave an indelible impression on your soul. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness this breathtaking natural wonder and immerse yourself in the raw beauty of the Australian coastline.

Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Tasmania

Photo by Squirrel_photos on Pixabay



Welcome to the edge of the world – Tasmania, a mesmerizing island state that dangles like a pendant from the southeastern tip of mainland Australia. Tasmania, often referred to as Tassie, offers a unique and enchanting experience to adventurous travelers seeking to discover the lesser-known corners of the globe. With its stunning coastline, vast wilderness, rich historical heritage, and exquisite culinary delights, Tasmania encapsulates the essence of Australia in a compact and captivating package. In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a virtual journey to Tasmania’s edge, uncovering its hidden gems, and delving into the wonders that await you.

Getting to Tasmania’s Edge

To reach the Great Australian Bight, a magnificent stretch of coastline that marks the end of the world, one must venture deep into the heart of Australia. The journey begins by traversing the Nullarbor plain, a vast expanse of open flat plains that seem to stretch endlessly. As you venture further south, the absence of roads will guide you to the edge. Remember to exercise caution as you approach the precipice, as the cliff faces descend dramatically into the ocean below. The Great Australian Bight remains a remote and awe-inspiring location, offering unparalleled beauty to those fortunate enough to explore its rugged landscapes.

Camping on the Edge

Camping on the edge of the Great Australian Bight is a truly remarkable experience. Surrounded by the vastness of the ocean, you can set up camp on the edge of the world, where the land meets the sea in a harmonious symphony. The breathtaking views and solitude make this a perfect spot for nature enthusiasts and adventurers seeking a tranquil escape. Be prepared for the gusty Antarctic winds that sweep across the region, adding an exhilarating touch to your camping experience. Embrace the untamed wilderness and revel in the beauty that unfolds before your eyes.

Nature’s Wonders at the Bight

The Great Australian Bight is a haven for wildlife and natural wonders that will leave you in awe. Witness the mesmerizing sunrise, a spectacle that paints the sky with vibrant hues and illuminates the red rock formations like gold. This pristine location offers ample opportunities for fishing enthusiasts to cast their lines into the crystal-clear waters and try their luck at catching the abundant salmon that dart through the waves. Keep a watchful eye for playful dolphins dancing in the surf and the majestic humpback whales that grace the waters during the right time of year. Immerse yourself in the study of wildlife, from encountering the gentle python snakes to observing the resilience of the scorpions that inhabit this rugged terrain.

The Edge of Tasmania: Exploring the Island State

Tasmania, often referred to as Australia in miniature, beckons travelers with its unparalleled beauty and diverse landscapes. The island, steeped in history and boasting a rich cultural heritage, offers a myriad of experiences for visitors. As you venture through this captivating land, you will encounter breathtaking coastlines, ancient rainforests, and charming colonial towns. Tasmania is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, history buffs, and food connoisseurs alike. Let us delve deeper into the wonders that await you on this extraordinary island.

The Wilderness of Cradle Mountain

Nestled within the Cradle Mountain National Park lies a true gem of Tasmania – the Cradle Mountain itself. This majestic peak, surrounded by pristine wilderness, offers a haven for hikers, nature lovers, and those seeking solace amidst nature’s embrace. The park, home to one of the largest stands of virgin temperate rainforest in the world, provides a sanctuary for a diverse range of wildlife. As you explore the park, you may encounter native fauna such as wallabies, wombats, and platypuses. Take a moment to breathe in the crisp mountain air and immerse yourself in the tranquility of this natural wonder.

Hobart: A Glimpse of History

As you venture south, the city of Hobart awaits, offering a glimpse into Tasmania’s rich history and architectural grandeur. Founded in 1804, Hobart stands as Australia’s second oldest city and boasts an impressive collection of Georgian and Victorian architecture. The city’s charming waterfront district, Salamanca Place, lined with sandstone warehouses dating back to the 1830s, has been transformed into a vibrant hub of shops, galleries, and restaurants. Explore the narrow streets adorned with Victorian cottages and immerse yourself in the beauty of the city’s well-preserved historical heritage.

Tasmania’s National Parks: Preserving the Edge

Tasmania’s commitment to preserving its wilderness is evident in the establishment and preservation of its national parks. One such pioneer in Tasmania’s national park movement was Gustav Weindorfer, an Austrian outdoorsman captivated by the island’s sublime landscapes. In 1912, Gustav and his wife, Kate, built Waldheim, a pine chalet nestled next to Dove Lake at the foot of Cradle Mountain. Their love for the land and dedication to its preservation paved the way for the national park system that protects Tasmania’s natural wonders to this day.

Port Arthur: A Haunting Past

Step back in time and immerse yourself in Tasmania’s convict history as you visit the Port Arthur Historic Site. Once a notorious prison and penal colony, Port Arthur stands as a solemn reminder of Tasmania’s dark past. Explore the well-preserved ruins, walk through the hauntingly beautiful grounds, and gain insight into the lives of the convicts who toiled in these harsh conditions. Port Arthur offers a unique and educational experience, allowing visitors to reflect on the human spirit and endurance in the face of unimaginable hardship.

Tasmania’s Culinary Delights

No journey to Tasmania would be complete without savoring its delectable culinary offerings. Tasmania’s pristine environment and fertile lands provide the perfect conditions for producing exceptional food and wine. Indulge in the superb flavors of the island, from freshly caught seafood to artisanal cheeses and world-class wines. Tasmania’s burgeoning food scene has gained international recognition, with its farm-to-table philosophy and emphasis on sustainable practices. Embark on a culinary adventure and immerse yourself in Tasmania’s gastronomic delights.

When to Go and How to Get There

Tasmania’s climate offers a pleasant experience for travelers throughout the year. While the winter months (June to August) can be chilly, the spring and summer months (December to February) provide the perfect opportunity to explore the island’s natural wonders. As you plan your journey, consider flying into Hobart or Launceston, Tasmania’s major airports. From there, embark on a scenic road trip to experience the diverse landscapes and hidden gems that Tasmania has to offer.


Tasmania, the edge of Australia, awaits with its untouched wilderness, captivating history, and culinary delights. Embark on an extraordinary journey to the end of the world and uncover the hidden treasures that make Tasmania a truly unique destination. From the rugged beauty of the Great Australian Bight to the tranquil forests of Cradle Mountain, Tasmania offers an escape from the ordinary and a chance to immerse yourself in the wonders of nature. Experience the warmth of the locals, indulge in exquisite flavors, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Tasmania, the edge of Australia, is waiting to be discovered.

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